141: Finding the story for 'Cars 3'

141: Finding the story for 'Cars 3'

In this episode, we'll hear a presentation about finding the story for "Cars 3" with writers Mike Rich, Bob Peterson and Kiel Murray and story supervisor Scott Morse. They'll discuss, among other things, social barrier-breaking real racers who inspired the story, the background of Cruz Ramirez, and how the team dug into the audio archives for Paul Newman and Tom Magliozzi.

134: The technology behind 'Finding Dory' + A conversation with Bob Roath and Becky Neiman

On today's episode, a primer on Pixar's Renderman, and other pieces of technology that were created or drastically innovated for "Finding Dory." Plus, we chat with the associate producer and production manager of the film, Bob Roath and Becky Neiman.

Steve May (Chief Technology Officer, Pixar) presents at the Finding Dory Long Lead press day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, CA. Photo by Marc Flores. ©2016 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.