Halloween pics! Plus, the day has finally arrived…Toy Story 3 is released on Blu-ray and DVD! Also, much more.
Me as Lee!
This is the family that won Lee Unkrich's signed copy of Toy Story 3!
This is one of the Day and Night images you can find on Disney’s new Awards page. You can also download the Toy Story 3 script. Thanks, Disney!
Brad Bird with Jeremy Renner (left), Tom Cruise and Paula Patton. Photo courtesy Cartoon Brew. Author David Price speculates that Brad will never come back to animation. What do you think?
Get $8 off your TS3 disc: http://www.disneymovierewards.go.com/promotions/special-offers/ts3lptw-coupon
Speak Easy wrote about Lee’s use of Twitter in Toy Story 3: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2010/11/02/toy-story-3-director-lee-unkrich-on-using-his-twitter-feed-as-grassroots-marketing/
Listener Mark Crilley’s website featuring his work: http://www.markcrilley.com/
Disney’s newly updated award page: http://www.waltdisneystudiosawards.com/
Interviews: New York Magazine interviews Lee and Darla: http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2010/11/toy_story_3.html
Upcoming Pixar interviews Lee: http://pixarplanet.com/blog/exclusive-upcoming-pixar-chats-with-lee-unkrich-part-ihttp://pixarplanet.com/blog/exclusive-upcoming-pixar-chats-with-lee-unkrich-part-ii
Pixar Talk interviews Erica Milsom and Tony Kaplan, DVD/blu-ray producers at Pixar: http://www.pixartalk.com/2010/11/exclusive-pixar-dvd-producers-erica-milsom-and-tony-kaplan-part-1/http://www.pixartalk.com/2010/11/exclusive-pixar-dvd-producers-erica-milsom-and-tony-kaplan-part-2/
Creative screenwriting interviews Michael Arndt (more than an hour): http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/creative-screenwriting-magazine/id77837603
Politics and Toy Story 3? http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-klavan-toy-story-3-20101102,0,6568516.story
Goodbye, Brad Bird? http://www.pixartouchbook.com/blog/2010/11/1/goodbye-mr-bird.html
Ken getting his own series http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118026504.html?categoryid=1009&cs=1
Space Adventures sending people to space…for fun? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2jLYa1Wfy8
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